Your voice matters! Together we will win the fight for full equality.
Please consider taking your support to the next level with a convenient, automatic monthly gift. Become an SC Equality Envoy member TODAY and ensure our essential work is sustained with your secure, monthly donation. Just select the monthly tab to the left!
You can also mail in your donations to:
SC Equality, P.O. Box 544, Columbia SC 29202
To make a tax-deductible contribution instead which will be used only to support our ongoing public education/outreach efforts around the state.
You donation to help fund our political advocacy and lobbying efforts at the South Carolina Statehouse.
SC Equality tirelessly lobbies the South Carolina General Assembly and mobilizes our communities to promote legislation on issues that matter most to you, including marriage equality, parental rights, inclusive anti-bullying policies, employment discrimination, hate violence, privacy rights, sexuality education, adoption, domestic partnerships, and HIV/AIDS.
SC Equality tracks and follows bills in the South Carolina General Assembly that may directly or indirectly impact the LGBTQ community here in South Carolina.